Ellis Acres Brochure # 2

Hello Team,
You are invited to travel on the Ellis Acres Park Phase II Journey. The cost is 2.5 Million dollars for the restoration of the Historic Buckingham Training School 1924 – 1954, the construction of an amphitheater with utilities and the paving of park entrance, driveway, parking area and wooded trails.. This endeavor completes the transition of the 9.25 Acre Historic Buckingham Training School Campus into a vital community asset to serve future generations and shares the tough journey of its fore runners.
The attached brochure shares our progress since 2007 and the vision for Phase II. It is a super guide to encourage private industry and individuals to participate in this noteworthy journey. Representatives of the Ellis Acres Park Executive Board stand ready to assist you present this vision to private industry and organizations. Please direct any question to Wilbert Dean; you may call or text 434 547-4900 or email wilbertmdean@aol.com. Your support is definitely appreciated.
Sincerely, Wilbert M. DeanDirector